A Python Tip Every Week 🐍 💡

Trey Hunner smiling in a t-shirt against a yellow wall

My name is Trey Hunner. I help Python developers level-up their skills through corporate training and habit-based learning. I share my favorite Python insights and tips via email every week. Subscribe to fill in gaps in your Python skills.

What subscribers think 💬

These tips are always informative. I learn something even when the subject is something I'm fairly familiar with.


The Python Morsels newsletter is like having a coding mentor break down Python concepts in an easy-to-understand way. No fluff or BS, just solid tips and tricks to step up your Python skills.

The Python Morsels newsletter is like having a coding mentor break down Python concepts in an easy-to-understand way. No fluff or BS, just solid tips and tricks to step up your Python skills.

Trey does an awesome job explaining core Python concepts uniquely and the examples are on point, clear, and relatable. Also the tips go beyond just the basics!

I follow other Python newsletters, but this one is both more engaging and easier to read.

Max Shapira

An assortment of useful tips, tricks, and thought candy. Each email often include links to read more, which is a great touch.


It's full of solid chunks of knowledge illustrated through examples and comparisons to related concepts. It will challenge your understanding and help you level-up from intermediate to advanced.

Easy-to-digest content that delivers a lot in a small space, and is a very handy way of learning Python tricks and best practices.

Unlike some Python newsletters, this one is byte-sized and even the stuff meant for beginners has something for those with more experience. It's full of solid chunks of knowledge illustrated through examples and comparisons to related concepts. It will challenge your understanding and help you level-up from intermediate to advanced.


It's like learning tips from a more experienced colleague.

Helen Schuilenburg

Interesting content that you will not find elsewhere (unless you know what you're looking for). I consider myself to be a very experienced Python developer, yet I still learn new stuff with this newsletter.

Denis Düsseldorf

Simple, friendly and easy to follow weekly tips. These emails help me question my own coding patterns and get a better understanding for Python under-the-hood.


A weekly injection of Python geekery!

Laura James

This is an awesome newsletter that delivers bite-sized Python tips and tricks straight to your inbox. It's great for both beginners looking to improve their Python skills and seasoned developers seeking to enhance their knowledge.

David Whittaker

This is the only newsletter for which I refuse to skip an issue. I read each one and then plop them in a folder for reference.

This is the only newsletter for which I refuse to skip an issue. I read each one and then plop them in a folder for reference.

Compared to other publishers, marketing does not feel like the primary aim of the email. Each tip is a self-contained "lesson" with no bait and switch, or trickery to blackmail your readers across the paywall.

The emails are bite-sized, topical, and immediately applicable. Taking a 5-minute break at work? Go read the latest newsletter, learn a little something, and get back to work with a feeling of self-improvement.

Josh Horner

The tips make you think and they're about more than just syntax. They'll help you to become a more cunning coder.


This newsletter covers a wide range of topics, it's easy to read, and it's spread out enough that it doesn't flood my inbox.

Some Python newsletters have so many ads that it's hard to tell what is the newsletter and what's not the newsletter. Not this one!

With the Python Morsels newsletter I can learn quite a bit without having to jump through hoops. This newsletter covers a wide range of topics, it's easy to read, and it's spread out enough that it doesn't flood my inbox.

Russ Eby

High value, digestible tips - a little bit at a time explained with depth. This is the best way to learn.

Sarah Sorlien

At least once a month, you'll get a suggestion that makes you literally rush to open a code editor and try it in one of your own projects and giggle when it works.

The Python Tips newsletter is basically a weekly trickle of awesome tidbits about Python that'll occasionally result in you going "Well, now that makes sense!"

At least once a month, you'll get a suggestion that makes you literally rush to open a code editor and try it in one of your own projects and giggle when it works.

Bill Blum

Insights on things you think you know well, but you certainly can learn better.


You can learn a lot from these emails with a very small time investment.

Easily digestible pieces of knowledge.

Even if you know some of the things, the tips almost always provide a different perspective. You can learn a lot from these emails with a very small time investment.

Asel Kushkeyeva

If you're a little beyond the beginner stage, you might be surprised by how many things you had yet to learn, or needed a reminder of.

These emails are a relatively short read, focusing on one topic per newsletter, with good exposition and examples. Also links to exercises, for which paid subscription is required.

If you're just starting out, there's a lot of value here -- read and save for further reference. If you're a little beyond the beginner stage, you might be surprised by how many things you had yet to learn, or needed a reminder of.

Brendan Keefe

Each email includes practical advice on a Python-related topic. This newsletter is great.


These emails focus on one digestible nugget of wisdom that is practical, insightful, and oftentimes amazingly applicable to tasks I'm currently working on.

These emails focus on one digestible nugget of wisdom that is practical, insightful, and oftentimes amazingly applicable to tasks I'm currently working on.

Each email addresses one specific topic in a meaningful way to get you comfortable with the issue and whet your appetite enough to explore the topic more deeply when you have the time.

The Python Morsels newsletter is one of favorites. The YouTube channel is great too!

Terence Barge